Thursday, July 28, 2005

are scrap yards the new charity shops?

I'm left wondering whether this is the case, (although with less cordorouy).

I remember going to scrap yards years ago, trying to find bits for my first car, which was to be fair, a bit of a donkey. but its been a long time.

recently, after accidentally running into the back of another car, i realised that it was perhaps time to renew my acquaintace with scrap yards in order to find a new headlight. i looked up and found a long list of scrap yards in Glasgow and set off to wander round them hoping to find a new headlight and who knows, maybe some other bits and bobs (carting loads of musical gear around in the back has casued a certain amount of wear and tear on the old thing over the years, trying to squeeze amps and bass drums into the back seat in a 2 door car is never recommended if you want to keep your seat levers and seat belt holders intact).

they've all gone, all of them (almost). It appears that new health and safety guidelines consider rows and rows of cars stacked on top of each other that people crawl in and out of in an attempt to find booty a danger to the public. In the end i only managed to find one of the Glasgow breakers yards still open, and it didn't have any mark III golfs.

After a tip off from an old friend, i heard rumour of a place in Paisley that was still open, still going (could it be true!!) yes indeed. i found it, buried along a small lane at the back of an industrial estate near Paisley town centre. Rows and rows of cars that people are allowed to crawl in and out of trying to rescue booty. Its amazing, i got a new boot lock hasp thing, cause my boot hasn't been shutting properly for too long, but the headlights had already been blagged. Realising that time is of the essence, and that not being able to drive at night cause i have a defective headlight, isn't really ideal, i went online and found online scrap yards (cheers to Kenny). Obviously, you can only virtually crawl around dangerous towering rows of cars in search of booty, but you get what you are looking for. I ended up buying a new headlamp instead of a scrapped one, but it was loads cheaper than from my local VW dealer, so result.

I HAVE TWO HEADLIGHTS AGAIN!!! now, i just need to buy new bulbs to put in it.

BUT i have a plan. I shall frequent this scrap yard, keeping my eye out for mark III Golfs and when they come in, buy up all the bits and bobs i need to make my car great again, and when this has been achieved, what then? Well, i was thinking i should give it to 'Er Indoors and buy myself my dream car. I've been after a Morris Minor for longer than i care to imagine, and after approximately 18 years, its about time i finally got off my arse and got one. what do you think?



Blogger cameraobscura said...

Travellers are really nice too.
I've also been looking at the old Morris Minor vans which are pretty tasty (as used by Madness too, heh)


11:53 am  

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